dcm2niix customisation

installation of other versions

The “convert_to_BIDS()” function automatically uses the tested “v1.0.20211006” of dcm2niix. Other versions can be installed by changing the version number and running the script before running “convert_to_BIDS()” the first time.

Otherwise, go to your output folder, delete the dcm2niix files in it, and run the “install_dcm2niix()” version with your version number.


install_dcm2niix("v1.0.20181125") # if you want to install the specific version v1.0.20181125

using other arguments

You can edit the dcm2niix_argument_string in the “user_settings.R” file according to your needs.

Just read here or inspect the possible arguments from this image:

dcm2niix_argument_string <- -ba y -f %d -z y -w 0 -i y





y (yes)

bids anonymisation of JSON sidecar



string for the filename (do not change this one)


y (yes)

compress the output (nii.gz instead of nii)



in case of duplicate filename -> skip


y (yes)

ignore derived, localizer and 2d images

Used arguments for conversion

Please edit these, if the conversion went wrong.